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【评课】2B Unit4 I have big eyes

2021年06月24日 11:36:44 访问量:7727


2B Unit4 I have big eyes                                 

一、教学目标 Learning objectives:

1. Read and know the new words: ear, eye, nose, face, hair, mouth, Charlie, balloon.

2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: I have a big/small I have big/ small I have long hair.


重点:Important points:

1. Read and know the new words: ear, eye, nose, face, hair, mouth, Charlie, balloon.

2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: I have a big/small I have big/ small I have long hair.


Read and know the new sentence pattern: I have a big/small I have big/ small I have long hair.

三、教学准备:Preparations: PPT cards

四、教学方法: Teaching methods:

Interesting stimulating method

Task-based teaching method

五、教学过程 Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up


T:Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss:Good morning, MissGuan.

T: Lets sing the song: Five senses

Step 2. Presentation(1)

  1. Have fun with the song

By what can we see?

By what can we smell?

By what can we hear?

Teach: eye     an eye     eyes     big eyes/small eyes 

Nose     a nose      a big nose / a small nose

ear     an ear     ears    big ears /small ears   

I have (big / small ) ears.

(Use different ways to drill)

Chant: eyes,eyes,big eyes,I have big eyes.

      Ears,ears,small ears,I have small ears.

          ,      ,      ,I have             .

  1. Have fun with a game:

T:  Touch your eyes / ears / nose 

  Ss: eyes,eyes,touch my eyes.

        ,     , touch my      .

Step3. Presentation(2)

Story time

  1. Listen and guess.

Q:Who is he?

Listen:Look! I have big eyes. I have a big nose.

I have a big mouth.

Teach: mouth    


  1. Read with Charlie.


2.Whach and answer:

Who get the balloon?

Teach: A balloon for you.

  1.     Read and answer


Step4. Consolidation

1. Game:打气球


2. Introduce yourself.

  A: I have a big/small

B: I have big/ small 

3. Lets talk


1. Read Story time after the tape

2.2.Describe your five senses.

戴芬(2021/6/24 12:23:02)


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周婧(2021/6/24 12:26:57)

管这节课是《2B Unit4 I have big eyes》的第一课时,本堂课的内容主要围绕了“脸部特征”展开,呈现了如何描述自己的脸部特征。这一单元要求学生掌握的重难点有:六个关于脸部的单词: hair,ear,eye,nose,mouth和face,以及熟练运用I have…(s)/ I have a…这两个句型来描述自己的脸部特征。在教学过程中,首先,管老师用了一首与本课主题相关的歌曲,为本堂课营造了很好的英语学习氛围,从而拉近师生间的情感距离,也消除了学生的紧张心理。充分运用肢体语言,如:当说到ear的时候,要求学生用一只手指着自己的一只耳朵;当说到ears的时候,要求学生用两只手分别指着自己的两只耳朵。其次,在这一堂课中,管老师也用了一些chant,小火车读单词等方式进行巩固操练。最后,进入story time的学习,通过角色扮演,更好的让学生理解整篇课文的意思。

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周小琴(2021/6/24 13:07:16)

管老师这节课思路清晰,有效调动了学生学习英语的积极性。整节课管老师教态自然、大方,且具有亲和力和感染力,富有激情,使本节课神采飞扬。本节课导入自然,利用歌曲《Five senses》,sing and do激发了学生的学习兴趣,同时自然过渡到五官eyes,nose,ears,mouth的学习。教学活动设计丰富有趣,有节奏快的chant,有考验你注意力的listen and touch等,学生们乐在其中,寓教于乐,有效地突破了本节课的重难点,在一定程度上发展了学生的各方面能力。

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於霞(2021/6/24 13:07:26)

管老师的这节课清晰实在,扎实有效,能有效调动学生学英语的积极性。整节课中,管老师教态自然、大方,且具有亲和力和感染力,富有激情,使本节课神采飞扬。本节课一开始,管老师就以谈话形式直接引入本节课的话题是有关funny face的,使学生的注意力在最短的时间内被激活,接着利用节奏欢快的Let’s do和 Let’s read这两个活动来复现以前学过的形容词及有关身体部位的词汇,使新旧知识自然有效地连接在一起,并为后面新知的教授做了铺垫。

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