Step1 warming up
1. Greet the Ss as usual.
2. watch a video
Free talk: a, What can you see in this video?
b, what do you think of this things?
T: So, we can know that someting happened then and something happened now are different. The thing in our daily lives changes by time. Today, we will learn something changes in Mike’s family.
Step2 New learning
1. look and answer
T: look at the pictures, who are they in this story?
S: They are Mike, Mr brown, Mike’s grandpa,and Mrs brown.
2. listen and catch(one paragraph by one paragraph)
T: Listen to the tape and try to catch the time. I will catch the first time.(six years ago)
(choose three Ss to catch the time: tewnty years ago, twenty years ago,thirty years ago)
3. Watch the video (find out what are the changes in the text?)先概括变化的几个方面
T: Now we know Mike’s families have changed a lot. And in this lesson, we’ll know more about the changes of Mike’s family. Let’s learn it one by one.
4. Read and learn
a.(图)T: Six years ago, Mike was a little boy, what could he do ? (读could)let’s read paragraph one and circle the answer.
(图) Now, Mike is a young boy. What can he do? he can do many things now. Let’s guess, what can he do? (口头举一些Mike会的例子)
T: So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …(师生一起读文本)
小结:so, what they can do is changing, (it means the ability is changing). And anything else? Let’s go on.
b. (图)look at Mr Brown. This is Mr Brown twenty years ago. And This is Mr Brown now.
What did he do then and what does he do now?
(1) Read the paragraph quickly, and try to find out the answers.
(2) (2) Let’s imagine where he did or does these things. Where did he wrote letters/ use the telephone/ write e-mails/ uses the mobile phone?
(3) T: Let’s read this paragraph together..
(4) Now, try to describe Mr Brown.(总结)T: Then and now, the way to contact people is changing .
c. 图T: How did Mike’s grandpa get news thirty years ago, and how about now?
(1)T: First, let’s look at the two pictures. Watch carefully and try to find the difference.
(2) Read the text together
(3) try to retell it.(choose a student)
D. T: look at the pictures, do you know her? —Mrs Brown Let’s see what changes have happened on her.
(1) T: What is she doing in the picture?
This is the picture of her twenty years ago. Then she was a schoolgirl. She was making friends in schllo. This is Mrs brown now, she is a women , she is doing someting one the internet.
(2)let’s read paragraph 4 to know what did/does Mrs brown do, and fill in the blanks.
5.Summarize: we have learned the changes of Mike’s family, let’s discuss in groups and fill in the table.(完成表格)
6.retell the story, say in pairs( choose 4 pairs to show it)
7. let’s read (read in different styles,choose tow group)
Step3. Consolidation
1. Today we know the changes of Mike’s family. There are also a lot of changes in our families. with the computer, with all these modern equipments, our life has changed a lot. Can you use a word to describe the goodness they bring us? ( yes, we can get information fast. Our work is more effective. Our life is more convenient. It is easy for us to do many things. And the most important of all, it brings us happiness. This is because of E-time.)Thanks for E-time.
2. However, the E-time brings us a lot of problems. Such as health problems, communication problems.
3. Q:Do the changes good or bad?
In my opinion,it depends on you. If you can use the changes correctly, it will be useful. If you relay on the changes,maybe you will lose yourselves. So the changes should be selective and reasonable.
陈老师这节课课文学习,对比清晰,讲究学法指导。对于小学高年级的英语教学,着重培养学生学习的能力。她不仅教知识,更重要的是教授学习方法。陈老师让学生们通过三个步骤: 一是“看”,二是“答”,三“写”。这样,教给了学生一个全面的阅读篇章的理解和把握方法,从而由扶到放,自己完成阅读并提取有效信息,这样更有利于提高学生的快速阅读理解和归纳的能力。
本节课,陈老师以视频导入,让学生直观感受到过去和现在的变化,从而过渡到Mike一家的then and now。教学中运用任务型教学法,通过不同的教学活动分别从ability、communication、get news、make friends、do shopping等方面来谈论Mike一家的变化,课堂上注重锻炼学生的自主学习能力,培养学生小组合作能力。
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