1. 通过借助思维导图谈论老师、唱歌,拉近师生距离,复习用“He is/ has/ can”来描述某人;通过猜谜游戏,学生能初步感知新词arm、leg、tail和wing等,初步感知描述某种动物的方法。
2. 通过老师带领学生回答问题、学生自主阅读课文、学生尝试描述图片,教师逐步放手,促进学生能理解课文;
3. 通过逐句朗读、组内读,学生能用正确的语音语调朗读和表演课文。
4. 通过复述课文、出动物谜语,学生能有效运用本课语言。
1. 通过老师带领学生回答问题、学生自读课文填写表格、学生尝试描述图片,教师逐步放手,促进学生能理解课文;
2. 通过逐句朗读、组内读,学生能用正确的语音语调朗读和表演课文。
1. 通过逐图朗读、组内分角色朗读和表演,学生能用正确的语音语调朗读和表演课文。
2. 通过复述课文、出动物谜语,学生能有效运用本课语言。
活动1【导入】Step 1. Present the learning aims of this lesson.
T shows the learning aims of this lesson.
活动2【导入】Step 2. Warm-up games
1. Let’s talk
Ss describe the teacher according to the key words in the mind map.
【设计意图】借助思维导图,激发学生谈论教师的欲望,拉近师生距离,复习用“He is/ has/ can”来描述某人。
2. Let’s sing
T: I can sing English songs. Do you want to listen?
T composes o song by using the sentences Ss say, and sing it in the tune of The Little Apple. Then, Ss sing the song.
【设计意图】通过将学生输出的句子用学生熟知的曲调《小苹果》唱出来,调动学生参与热情,初步感知新词arm, leg及has的用法。
3. Let’s guess
T: Mr Zhang has two animal friends. What are they?
Ss read two riddles about T’s animal friends and guess.
【设计意图】通过谈论新老师、唱歌,拉近师生距离,复习用“He is/ has/ can”来描述某人;通过猜谜游戏,学生能初步感知新词arm、leg、tail和wing等,初步感知描述某种动物的方法。
活动3【讲授】Step 3. Story time
1. Let’s match
Ss watch the cartoon and match the children with their animals. Ss check their answers by saying: … has…
【设计意图】通过整体观看动画,了解故事大体内容;通过用… has… 核对答案,初步运用该句型。
2. Let’s answer
Ss read paragraph 1 and answers the questions.
1. What colour are Nancy’s animal friends?
2. What do the animal friends have?
3. What can the animal friends do?
3. Let’s find
Ss read paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, and find the sentences about the colour, characteristic and ability of the animal friends. Then, ask and answer in pairs.
4. Let’s say
Ss talk about picture 4 according to the pictures and key words.
5. Let’s read
Ss read the story in groups.
活动4【练习】Step 4. Consolidation
1. Let’s read
Ss read the story in groups.
2. Let's retell
Ss retell the text according to the pictures and blackboard design.
活动5【练习】Step 5. Extension
Let's try
Ss try to make riddles about their animal friends.
活动6【导入】Step 6. Homework
1. 听录音,朗读课文五遍。(必做)
2. 尝试用小苹果曲调唱一唱课文。(选做) (教师在布置此作业时示范,并带着学生唱一遍)
3. 自编两个动物的英文谜语,写下来。下节课让同学们猜一猜。
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